Methods, tools, certifications

Have a look in my toolbox





It is and has always been important for me to be competent in the tasks I undertake. That's why I have several certifications, courses and certificates in my toolbox.

And because I'm also a curious person, they are widely spread. The most important thing for me is that I have the creativity and competences to help my customers as much as possible.

ICF-certified business coach

I am a certified business coach from Manning Inspire. The programme is Level 2 accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Certified stress coach

I am certified in Bjarne Toftegårds stress coaching method, which is Denmark's oldest stress coach training programme. The method has a solid theoretical and practical foundation, and there is scientific evidence that it works.

Certified mBIT coach

I am certified in the neuroscience-based method mBIT (Multiple Brain Integration Techniques) from mBIT International. The method is a further development of NLP and gives leaders a holistic approach to adaptive leadership.

Trainings within the Enneagram

I am certified in the Enneagram personality type tool and have for several years been accredited by the International Enneagram Association, where I have also served on the board - including as Vice President. In addition, I was chairman of the Danish branch of the organisation for many years.
I have received training from a number of the great international teachers within the Enneagram.

Certified counsellor in the Communication Mirror

I am certified to counsel managers based on the tool The Communication Mirror, developed by Danish researcher Anne Katrine Lund.

Certificeret Grief Recovery Specialist

I am a certified Grief Recovery Specialist from the Grief Recovery Institute in England. Using the evidence-based Grief Recovery Method, I help leaders through grief and offer counselling on how to lead an employee in grief. I also offer grief counselling for individuals. Read more about my grief programmes for private individuals at

Master of arts - English and Communication

I originally graduated with an MA in American Social Studies and Communication from the University of Copenhagen. I speak English as a native speaker and teach managers and researchers in Denmark and abroad.